Lazy Scholar for Chrome

It has been a number of months since the last update, but today’s brings several new features and improvements. Before we get into them, an item of importance: Help Build a Recommendation System Being a distributed extension, Lazy Scholar is in a unique position...

Beta testing group

Because upcoming features and redesigns will be increasingly complex, I have decided to create a version of Lazy Scholar for beta testing to get feedback on new versions before I roll them out to everyone. If you are willing to accept the risks of testing potentially...

New sharing links and cosmetic changes

I updated Lazy Scholar to version 0.8.9. This includes new links for quickly sharing papers as well as some cosmetic changes. Author email/name and JournalGuide Previously, Lazy Scholar attempts to find an author contact email address from PubMed and displayed it...

A new infobar and QR code generation

Lazy Scholar is updated to version! Normally I do not force you to read this blog when I make an update, but so you aren’t caught off guard, you will see something new when you open your next paper. I would appreciate any feedback in the comments below....

In text citation identification and updates

As Lazy Scholar nears 3,000 users and crosses 50,000 queries, I have a new feature and some updates that I just pushed out. Feature: In text citation identification Even though full texts usually have anchor tags linked to references at the bottom, I often find it...